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Banner Engineering의 문제 해결 센서는 열악한 산업 환경에서도 까다로운 검사를 안정적으로 수행하고, 재고 필요량을 줄여주며, 제품 전환 속도를 높여주므로 시간과 비용이 절감됩니다.

Featured Application | QS18 광전자
투명하고 반사가 심한 표적Detecting clear and reflective objects are some of the most challenging sensor applications. Light can burn through a target or be reflected away erratically, making accurate detection difficult.
Featured Application | VS8
어둡고 대비가 낮은 표적Dark objects are difficult to detect since they reflect very little light back to the sensor. In addition, black on black targets (low contrast between target and background) are especially challenging.
Featured Application
다색 포장In packaging, targets often contain vibrant, multicolored graphics of varying reflectivity. Such varied targets can be difficult to detect reliably, especially when there are many color transitions.
Featured Application
고속 응용 분야Many applications, such as registration mark detection and high-speed part counting, require sensors with response speeds fast enough to reliably detect fast moving targets.
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레이저 측정 기술이 발전됨에 따라, 이제 더 까다로운 표적(투명하거나, 반사율이 높거나, 대비가 낮은 표적)을 센서로 신뢰성 높게 감지 및 측정하고, 센서 하나로 여러 검사 작업을 처리할 수 있게 되었습니다.
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