Q5X Jam Detection

The Banner Q5X Jam Detection Sensor can detect jams faster and more accurately since it does not rely on gaps. Instead, it extends the functionality of Banner's existing dual mode technology to look for a change in signal strength and distance between the face of the sensor and the packages. The sensor can easily detect when packages are freely flowing and if the line becomes jammed, the Q5X immediately alerts the operator. This reduces false-positives and excessive delays in detecting product jams, while also allowing for increased linespeeds and throughput without concern for causing more false jam detections.

Q5X Jam Detection

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業界標準の長方形ハウジングを備えたコスト効率の良い強力なセンサで、あらゆる問題を解決します。10 cm (4インチ)~2 m (6フィート6インチ) のレンジを採用したQ5Xは、非常に困難なターゲットでも確実に検出します。

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