Sensing Vehicle Position within an Automated Car Wash

T30RW in a carwash

T30R-series radar sensors can easily detect objects in the presence of water and steam, which makes them ideal for sensing a vehicle's position in an automated car wash.


Car washes need to be able to reliably detect the position of vehicles in order to function safely and keep processes running smoothly. However, steam, fog, water spray (often at high pressures), and extreme temperature changes can pose significant challenges for many sensors that rely on optical or ultrasonic methods.


The T30R series of sensors excels in vehicle-detection applications in harsh environments, both outdoors and also in enclosed areas like car washes. As a radar sensor, the T30RW emits high-frequency radio waves that can easily detect the position of cars, trucks, and other large objects despite the presence of excess water, mist, and steam. Radar allows car washes to operate reliably as intended: detecting when vehicles are in the correct position for wash cycles to begin, preventing machines from colliding with the vehicles, and signaling when drivers should exit after the wash cycles are complete. Radar sensors can also reduce wasted water and cleaning chemicals by properly indicating when to turn off automated processes.

Key Benefits

radar signals are resistant to water

Because the T30RW does not rely on optical input of any kind, it can resist fog and steam to detect the vehicles much more reliably than photoelectric or laser sensors. It is best practice to keep the T30RW sensor out of the direct path of spray, because it can detect the physical presence or absence of water, but it can be configured to ignore ambient water. The device is equipped with an IP69K-rated housing to protect the internal electronic components from exposure to moisture and strong water pressure.

Measurements remain consistent despite temperature changes

Temperatures can vary dramatically inside a car wash bay during the course of a single wash cycle. Unlike ultrasonic sensors, which can deliver unstable readings when there are changes to surrounding air temperatures, radar sensors are unaffected by these conditions and deliver consistently reliable performance.

Only one unit is needed for sensing a car

Typically, car washes utilize opposed-mode sensors, which require both an emitter and a receiver. By contrast, the T30RW is designed to function as a single device, simplifying mounting and installation.

Versatility for other car wash uses

In addition to positioning vehicles inside the car wash bay, the T30RW can be used to detect cars outdoors as drivers pull up to payment interfaces and to monitor the levels of water and liquid cleaning chemicals in onsite tanks.

T30Rシリーズ レーダーセンサ

T30R センサは、超音波センサに代わるさらにロングレンジのセンサであり、極端な屋外条件やその他の困難な環境において、より信頼性の高い検出と位置フィードバックを提供します。従来の 24GHz レーダーセンサよりもデッドゾーンが短く、精度が高く、広範囲のターゲットを確認することができるのが特徴です。

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