Work In Process (WIP) Tracking

paper towels on a packaging machine

From Raw Material to Finished Product

Work in Process (WIP) tracking refers to tracking each item in production throughout the entire manufacturing process to ensure efficiency, accuracy, and traceability. 

In many facilities, WIP tracking is still completed by hand, using spreadsheets and manual data entry; however, automated WIP tracking not only saves times and reduces errors, but it also provides real-time visibility into the flow of materials throughout production.

The foundation for automated WIP tracking is reliable barcode reading.  Keep reading to learn about code reading solutions for WIP tracking or contact us to discuss your specific application. 

Benefits of Work in Process (WIP) Tracking

code reading in a robotic work cell
Increase Efficiency and Profitability

Visibility into Every Step of the Process

Tracking items from raw materials to finished products provides a wide variety of benefits including enabling manufacturers to:

  • Know the location and status of customer orders during production to ensure on-time shipment and delivery.
  • Track availability of raw materials inventory in real time to facilitate restocking and keep production levels on target.   
  • Accurately track scrapped or reworked parts to identify areas for process improvement. 
  • Track finished products back to the original materials for quick and accurate recall of defective products. 

These, among other capabilities, enable manufacturers to increase profitability and remain competitive in their industries by increasing efficiency, reducing waste, and allowing for accurate, real-time identification of defects and bottlenecks. 

Barcode Reading Solutions for WIP Tracking

barcode reader scans a code on a box
Scan Received Goods and Raw Materials

Track Inventory and Origin of Materials

  • A product's quality depends on the integrity of its parts, so tracking raw materials is critical. 
  • Scanning and tracking received goods and raw materials provides manufacturers with valuable data that can be used in case an issue is discovered during quality inspections or product recall.   
  • If a defect is identified with a particular part on a product, insight into the origin of the defective materials can help manufacturers isolate affected batches and prevent future defects. 
  • In addition to facilitating quality control and recalls, tracking incoming goods also enables better inventory management to ensure necessary parts are restocked in a timely manner.
barcode reader scans a code on a cell phone component
Track Components Throughout Production

Improve Efficiency and Reduce Waste

  • Tracking individual components throughout product helps manufacturers improve efficiency, reduce waste, and achieve lean manufacturing goals. 
  • For example, manufacturers can easily determine which parts are scrapped most often and where the waste is occurring.  This allows manufacturers to identify solutions to reduce waste and analyze the success of those solutions over time. 
  • Scanning components and products at each stage of production also enables manufacturers to track the time between each stage to identify and reduce bottlenecks in production and facilitate staffing and resource allocation.  
barcode reader scans a code on a cell phone component
ABR 7000 barcode reader scans 1D and 2D codes on boxes
Verify Shipments Prior to Delivery

Ensure Accurate, Timely Order Fulfillment

  • Accurate and timely shipments are critical. Missed ship dates, incorrect, or incomplete orders can cause delays throughout the supply chain and decrease customer satisfaction.
  • Order, shipping, and tracking information is embedded in separate 1D and 2D barcodes printed every box in a shipment. This information must be verified before the boxes are loaded onto a pallet and the shipment leaves the facility.
  • Algorithms programmed into the barcode reader locate each barcode, extract the data, and verify that the barcodes match the criteria established during inspection setup. 
  • This information is then sent over an Ethernet connection to the management system which records the data.
Featured Products

ABR Series imager based barcode reader
ABR Series

Imager-Based 1D and 2D Barcode Reader

ABR 7000バーコードリーダーには優れた解読機能が備わっており、複数の分解能と広範なレンズオプションが用意されています。

  • ABR 7000バーコードリーダーには、読み取り距離の延長や視野の拡大、高度な照明、多様な焦点距離 (オートフォーカスを含む)、複数のリーダーの関連付けといった、高度な機能が備わっています。 
  • DPMや低コントラストのコードなど、読み取りが困難な1Dおよび2Dコードでも読み取る強力な解読機能
  • オンボードの押しボタン、またはパソコンのバーコードマネージャーを使って、素早く構成。バーコードマネージャーはでバナーの無償オペレーティングソフトウェアです。
  • 用途の柔軟性を最大化するために、1つのパッケージにLED照明と簡単フォーカス調整機能を内蔵
  • セットアップと構成を簡略化するための多様なレンズオプションを提供。ソフトウェアを使って調正できるオートフォーカスにより、読取距離の変化に簡単に対応できます
  • 製造現場での統合を可能にする工場内通信オプション (イーサネット、シリアル)
  • ネットワークを介して画像と統計を監視できる組み込み型Webサーバーインターフェイス
iVu BCR Series

Imager-Based 1D and 2D Barcode Reader

iVu BCRシリーズ バーコードリーダーは、強力な解読機能と使いやすさを兼ね備え、困難なトレーサビリティ用途を解決します。汎用性の高いこれらのバーコードリーダーは、広範なレンズ、照明、およびユーザーインターフェイスで利用可能です。 

  • 破損コード、歪みのあるコード、その他の読み取りにくいコードなどを含む、広範な1Dおよび2Dバーコードの読み取り
  • 複数のバーコードを向きに関係なく1回の検査で読み取り可能
  • 統合されたタッチスクリーン、リモートタッチスクリーン、またはPCインターフェイスを使用して、検査の設定、管理、監視を実行
  • 装置の統合を簡素化し、IIoTデータの収集を可能にするイーサネットおよびシリアル通信プロトコル
  • 狭いスペースや産業環境に最適なIP67等級の堅牢なハウジング
  • 豊富に用意された統合照明オプションにより、設置とコントラストの最適化にかかる面倒を軽減
  • あらゆる用途のニーズを満たす、多様な標準およびCマウントオプションを含む交換可能なレンズ


iVu BCR imager-based barcode reader
TCNM Series Imager Based Barcode Reader

TCNM Series

Laser-Based 1D Barcode Scanner


  • 10種類を超える一般的な線形バーコード記号を解読
  • 500~1,000スキャン/秒で実行
  • スマートティーチ押しボタンとLEDインジケータを使用した基本セットアップと診断操作
  • 複数のスキャンを組み合わせて破損したコード情報を再構築する、コード再構築アルゴリズム
  • マルチセンサーセットアップで外付けマルチプレクサーの必要性を排除する、GeniusPlusソフトウェアと専用イントラセンサー通信プロトコル
  • 頑丈なIP65ハウジング
See More Track and Trace Applications
