Combined Illumination and Indication

WLS27 Red Blue White Green TL50

EZ-STATUS® Provides Two Functions in One Device

Traditionally, industrial lighting has been divided into two categories: illumination and indication. Until recently, these two categories have been distinct.

But now, manufacturers are realizing the benefits of combining illumination and indication into a single flexible device.

An EZ-STATUS device combines illumination and indication by including both white and colored LEDs that can be programmed to represent different statuses. The device can therefore be used for both task lighting and status indication.

Why Combine Illumination and Indication?

One Device, Many Benefits

Machine builders are always looking for ways to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of their machines.

Sleek, colorful lights that perform both illumination and indication functions can provide machine builders with a differentiating "wow factor" for their equipment and offer tangible benefits to their customers, including:

  • Promoting faster responses to status changes
  • Improving ergonomics and limiting wasted movement
  • Ensuring critical status updates are timely addressed
  • Reducing the risk of costly mistakes and accidents

For both OEMs and their customers, illumination plus indication devices are convenient because they easily fit into the frame of the machine and are protected from damage while still being effective.

Installation of a combined indication and illumination device is simple—with just one device and only a few wires to achieve both functions.

Example Applications

Machine Lighting

Better Lighting, Faster Troubleshooting

Bright, even machine lighting is important because it allows operators to effectively monitor machine processes and see clearly when troubleshooting, refilling material, or completing other manual tasks on the machine. With multicolor strip lights, the same task lights can immediately let the operator know when attention is required.

For larger machines, multicolor lighting can help direct operators to the specific location on the machine that requires attention. A machine can be configured to activate LEDs at a specific zone to illuminate in red or yellow to alert operators or supervisors that attention is needed.

The color alerts the operator to the machine condition and directs them to the exact location on the machine that needs attention. When the operator opens the guard door to evaluate the problem, the lighting within the machine can be configured to turn to white task lighting, providing clear visibility to the operator—all with one device.


Indication Operators Can't Miss

Workstations are another area of the factory where multicolor task lights provide important advantages. Tower lights are most effective when operators are looking up and in the general direction of the indicator.

Audible tower light segments can help get an operator's attention if they are looking away; however, with the ambient buzz of the factory, it can be easy to tune out audible cues as well. In addition, if an operator is concentrated on another task and looking down, they may not see or hear an alert right away, slowing their response time.

With multicolor task lighting, the light functions as a typical task light during normal operation. When an urgent alert occurs, the task light turns red, flooding the whole work space with color.  The change is almost impossible for an operator to miss even when looking down or distracted.

Adding this extra layer of indication helps ensure that critical issues are resolved as quickly as possible. Alternatively, multicolor task lights can also be used to alert a supervisor when a particular station requires attention.

Throughout the Factory Floor

Increase Visibility and Avoid Collisions

When people, forklifts, and other mobile equipment move around the same spaces, there is an increased risk of accidents. Intersections where visibility is poor—for example, when navigating around racking or other structures—can become hazardous. People on foot or operating mobile equipment may not see each other approaching, increasing the risk of collision.

Installing multicolor strip lights above the intersection can make a difference. For example, the lights can be turned on constantly to provide general illumination and can be configured to turn red when a forklift is approaching, indicating to people and other mobile equipment operators that the intersection is in use and help prevent collisions.

While safety and navigation devices can and often should be added to mobile equipment, creating visually controlled intersections can be a simple but effective way to improve traffic flow and streamline movement of people and mobile equipment within shared spaces. 

Featured Products

WLS27 Color Options
WLS27 Series with EZ-STATUS

Shatterproof Multicolor LED Strip Light

WLS27 EZ-STATUS付きマルチカラーLEDストリップライトは、明るい高輝度の照明と視認性の高い表示の組み合わせをひとつのヘビーデューティー構造の照明器具にまとめたもので、困難な環境を含むさまざまな用途に使用できます。 

  • 3色モデルと5色モデルを選択可
  • 285~1130mmまで4種類の長さを用意
  • 一体型4ピンM12コネクタ、デイジーチェーン型電源供給に対応
  • 頑丈で耐水性のIP66、IP67、IP69K構造
  • 耐薬品性のコポリエステル製ハウジング
  • 設置と位置変更を簡単にするオプションのブラケットおよびクリップ
  • 層流用途に最適な円筒形デザイン
  • 明暗度の抑制とより統一された配光を実現する、高耐久性拡散ウィンドウ付きモデル
WLS28-2 Series with EZ-STATUS

Multicolor LED Strip Light

WLS28-2 EZ-STATUS® 付きマルチカラーLEDストリップライトは、明るい高輝度の照明と視認性の高い表示の組み合わせをひとつの照明器具にまとめたもので、困難な環境を含むさまざまな用途に使用できます。 

  • コンパクトな省スペースのデザイン
  • 頑丈で耐水性のIP69Kオプション
  • 285から1130mmまで4種類の長さを用意
  • レンズ付きタイプ、またはクリアウィンドウか拡散ウィンドウを選択
  • 複数の照明をエンドツーエンドで接続するカスケード対応モデルを利用可
  • 1平方フィート当たり9ワット未満の低消費電力
  • 設置と位置変更を簡単にするオプションのスナップクリップ
WLS28-2 Blue Green Yellow Red

WLS15 Series with EZ-STATUS

Low Profile Multicolor LED Strip Light


  • 狭いスペースにも簡単に設置できる薄型設計
  • 1つのモデルでDC12Vおよび24Vに対応
  • 濡れた環境や汚れた環境での使用に適した、IP67等級に対応した完全密閉構造
  • 軽量でありながら衝撃や振動に耐える頑丈な構造とポリカーボネート製シェル
  • 省エネで交換コストが最小限に抑えられるLED照明テクノロジー
  • 用意に設置するためのブラケットおよびコネクタ
  • 他のライトの半分の電力を消費する省エネ装置でエネルギーを大幅に節約
  • 線間電圧の変動を安定化
  • 照明と表示がひとつの堅牢な照明器具にまとめられた、EZ-STATUS® 付きの2色モデル
