Illumination for Visual Inspections


Improve Quality and Efficiency

Defects and errors in parts and components can negatively impact downstream processes, production efficiency, and product quality.

Visual inspection of parts and components can help manufacturers identify potential issues early on in the manufacturing process, minimizing lost product and production time. 

Proper lighting makes it easier for workers to perform visual inspections with fewer errors by providing uniform illumination, reducing eye strain, and improving contrast.

Challenges of Visual Inspections

Young happy female worker in factory writing notes about water bottles or gallons before shipment. Inspection quality control.
Poor Contrast, Hot Spots, and Eye Strain

Improper Lighting Can Lead to Mistakes

If compared to fluorescent lights, which tend to flicker from changes in intensity, the LED lighting is more ergonomic for an operator.  The inconsistent output of fluorescent light, plus the emission of UV and heat, can make it challenging to perform inspection tasks accurately.  Furthermore, the eye strain and operator fatigue caused by poor lighting can reduce both the speed and effectiveness of visual inspections.

In contrast, bright LED task lights provide stable, durable, and uniform lighting for quality inspection, which helps ensure accuracy and increase efficiency.  Ultra-bright LED lights from Banner Engineering will never require a bulb or ballast replacement over their more than 50,000 hours of operational life to provide years of maintenance-free illumination.

Lighting Solutions for Visual Inspections

Even Illumination Improves Quality Inspections

Extremely Bright Light with no Hotspots

  • During the quality inspection of cars and automotive parts, bright, also, uniform light is essential to inspect parts properly.
  • The most important part of lighting up an automotive environment for inspection purposes is to find a light source that provides consistent, extremely bright light.
  • The energy-efficient WLB92 is easy to install and gives a consistent, bright light with no hotspots and minimal glare to inspect automotive parts.
  • Increased lighting can improve worker productivity and reduce eye strain, resulting in more reliable quality inspections.
LEDs are Low Maintenance and Save Costs

Years of Reliable Operation

  • Fluorescent lights often require multiple bulb replacements each year, as well as periodic ballast replacements.  Fluorescent lights can also lose intensity and become discolored, making inspections more difficult.
  • In contrast, LEDs provide intense, daylight white illumination that is distributed evenly across the inspection area. 
  • LED light bars, like the WLB32 from Banner, provide years of maintenance-free operation, with no bulb or ballast changes required throughout the lifespan of the device.
WLB32 LED Lights Web Inspection
Green-Hood inspection
Colored Light Creates Contrast to Highlight Flaws

Choose the Right Light for Your Application

  • In some cases, overhead white light does not provide sufficient contrast for surface inspections of objects. 
  • When inspecting metal or plastic surfaces, imperfections such as fingerprints, dirt, or damaged areas can easily be overlooked. 
  • Green wavelengths are easiest for the human eye to see and adding green lights into the inspection area helps maximize the effectiveness of metal, glass, and plastic inspections.
  • Some oils also react to bright green lights, making oil spots more visible. This is especially important in the automotive industry where oil residue can cause fisheye imperfections, small circular spots that appear on contaminated surfaces.
Featured Products

WLB92 Series

Our Brightest LED Strip Light


  • 明るく、高品質、均一な照度分布で作業員の生産性とエルゴノミクスを改善します。
  • 頑丈な金属ハウジング、飛散防止照明カバーを備えた耐久性が高い照明
  • 寿命が長くエネルギー効率に優れたLEDを使用しているため、メンテナンスにかかる時間やコストが不要
  • ACモデルとDCモデルから選択できるため、必要なところに自在に配置
  • 各種取り付けオプション (表面、スイベル、スナップ、吊りブラケット) を使用し、簡単に設置
  • 白、温白色、青、赤、黄、緑を選択可
WLB32 Series

Adjustable LED Work Light


  • エネルギー効率が高く、全体的にコストを節約できます。
  • 高/低/オフスイッチにより照度のカスタマイズが可能
  • 配線を最少に抑えながら照明を持続できるカスケード式モデルも選択可
  • 金属ハウジング、飛散防止ガラス。
  • スナップクリップ、マグネットブラケットまたはL字ブラケットを用いて簡単に取り付け
  • ACモデルとDCモデルをご用意
  • 長さは285 mm、570 mm、850 mm、または1130 mm
  • モーション検出モデルは、物理的なスイッチが使用できない場所やスイッチの配置が実用的でない場合に最適です。
  • 保護シールド窓付きのモデルはドーム型窓への直接的な見通し線を遮る、目にやさしい仕様
WLB32 Adjustable LED Workstation Light

WLS27 Series

Shatterproof Multicolor LED Strip Light


  • 層流用途に最適な円筒形デザイン
  • 頑丈で耐水性のIP66、IP67、IP69K構造
  • 耐薬品性のコポリエステル製ハウジング
  • 145から1130mmまで8種類の長さを用意
  • 複数の照明へのデイジーチェーン電源
  • 配線ピン配置(高/低/オフ)を使用して照明を暗くすることが可能
  • 設置と位置変更を簡単にするオプションのスナップクリップ
  • 自動温度保護機能を装備。50 °Cを超えると熱管理して製品寿命を保つために減光
  • 照明と表示がひとつの堅牢な照明器具にまとめられた、EZ-STATUS® 付きの3色/5色モデル
  • 明暗度の抑制とより統一された配光を実現する、高耐久性拡散ウィンドウ付きモデル
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