Machine Lighting

machine lighting application

Bright, Rugged Illumination of Machine Processes

Well-lit machines are easier to monitor, troubleshoot, and maintain.  Bright, even machine lighting allows operators to monitor machine processes effectively and see clearly when troubleshooting, refilling material or completing other manual tasks on the machine.

Heavy duty LED lights from Banner Engineering are built to last in harsh environments and provide years of bright, maintenance-free illumination.

Machine Lighting Challenges

machine lighting in a freezer
Harsh Conditions Inside Machines

Machine lighting can be a challenge due to the harsh environment inside many machines. Lighting solutions may be susceptible to a variety of conditions including dust, water, extreme or variable temperatures, and vibration or impact.  In some industries, lights may also be exposed to high-temperature, high-pressure washdown.  

Traditional lights can fail and shatter in these harsh conditions.  Therefore, high quality LED lights built for industrial use are essential.  Furthermore, hazardous locations require lighting devices that are designed specifically for safe use in a hazardous environment.

Keep reading to learn more for solutions to common machine lighting applications, or contact us to discuss your specific application.

Solutions for Machine Lighting

machine lighting on a cartoner
Water, Dust, and Washdown

Choose the Right IP Rating for the Environment

  • Lights rated IP67, and above are dust and water resistant, making them ideal choices for many industrial lighting applications, including machine lighting and machine tool environments. Devices rated IP67 can withstand temporary immersion in water.
  • Lights rated IP68g are resistant to oil and water penetration.
  • IP69K rated devices are able to withstand high-pressure washdown environments necessary for sanitation procedures common to food, beverage, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.
machine lighting in a hazardous area
machine lighting in a hazardous area
Hazardous Locations

Get the Right Light for the Class and Division

  • Lighting for hazardous locations requires a solution that is rated for safe operation in the specific Class and Division. 
  • For example, lighting near a flexography printing machine is challenging due to the presence of explosive chemicals. In this application, the explosive substances have a low likelihood of being present in the immediate vicinity.  Due to the proximity to the hazard, this would be classified as Class I Division 2. 
  • The HLS27 LED strip light is specifically designed for use in Class I Division 2, Class II Division 2, and Class III Division 1 and 2, Zone 2 and Zone 22 hazardous locations. 
  • The light features bright LED lights in a sturdy aluminum housing and shatterproof shell that has water-resistant IEC IP66 and IP67 rating.
machine lighting in a hazardous area
combined illumination and indication on a machine
Combined Illumination and Indication

Multicolored Strip Lights Perform Dual Functions

  • With multicolor strip lights, task lights can change color to immediately let the operator, manager, or other nearby worker know when attention is required.
  • For larger machines, multicolor lighting can help direct operators to the specific location on the machine that requires attention by illuminating the entire section in a color like red or yellow.
  • When the operator opens the guard door to evaluate the problem, the lighting within the machine can be configured to turn to white task lighting, providing clear visibility to the operator—all with one device.
Featured Products

WLS27 strip light for harsh environments
WLS27 Series

Shatterproof LED Light for Harsh Environments


  • 頑丈で耐水性のIP66、IP67、IP69K構造
  • 耐薬品性のコポリエステル製ハウジング
  • 145から1130mmまで8種類の長さを用意
  • 配線ピン配置(高/低/オフ)を使用して照明を暗くすることが可能
  • 自動温度保護機能を装備。50 °Cを超えると熱管理して製品寿命を保つために減光
  • 照明と表示がひとつの堅牢な照明器具にまとめられた、EZ-STATUS® 付きの3色/5色モデル
  • 明暗度の抑制とより統一された配光を実現する、高耐久性拡散ウィンドウ付きモデル
HLS27 strip light for hazardous locations
HLS27 Series

LED Strip Light for Hazardous Locations


  • cULus認定の薄型設計は、クラスIディビジョン2、クラスIIディビジョン2、クラスIIIディビジョン1および2、ゾーン2およびゾーン22の場所で使用可
  • 頑丈で耐水性のあるIP67設計
  • 145から1130mmまで8種類の長さを用意
  • 自動温度保護機能を装備。50 °Cを超えると熱管理して製品寿命を保つために減光
  • Hi/Lo/オフ用の配線付きモデル。減光制御にPWMを使用可
HLS27 strip light for hazardous locations
WLH60 high temperature strip light

WLH60 Series

High Temperature LED Strip Light


  • 最高100 °C (212 °F) の環境での使用を承認済み
  • IEC IP67、IEC IP68G、IEC IP69K等級に対応
  • 過酷な環境に適した堅牢さ
  • 高圧、高温洗浄、オイル、多種薬品に対する耐性
  • 幅広い取り付け方法による簡単な設置
  • 振動や衝撃への高い耐性
More Machine Lighting Applications
