Remote Monitoring of Edge Devices


What is Remote Monitoring?

Collecting and analyzing data from sensors and other field devices, remote monitoring provides factories with insight and visibility into the performance of their machines, processes, and people. Even sensor data can be accessed in real time from any location, as well as logged for long term analysis.

Keep reading to learn about how remote monitoring technologies are revolutionizing industrial automation, offering smart factories greater visibility into their operations, and enabling better, data-driven decisions.  

Extend the Reach of Remote Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks


Wireless sensor networks provide remote monitoring capabilities and allow manufacturers to increase overall process efficiency and productivity.

By eliminating the wire limitations of conventional systems, wireless networking systems improve data logging, process monitoring and control, while maintaining high levels of security and integrity. Wireless sensor networks are especially advantageous where wired solutions are impractical, ineffective, or cost-prohibitive.

While historically wireless systems were difficult to install and complicated to maintain over time, wireless technology has advanced significantly over the years. Today many remote monitoring solutions are available that offer a reliable wireless communication integrated into a single, inexpensive unit. These new wireless I/O devices are easy to install, and then uninstall and move to a new location as monitoring requirements change.

Key Applications of Remote Monitoring

QM30VT Series vibration and temperature sensor with CM Series node and current transformer
Predictive Maintenance

Predict Failures and Prevent Unplanned Downtime

Remotely monitoring conditions like changes temperature and vibration enables predictive maintenance for machines. The benefits of predictive maintenance include: 

  • Avoiding machine failures by making maintenance decisions based on historical and real-time data from the machine itself.  
  • Enabling quick intervention to avoid downtime by monitoring time-sensitive conditions like changes in vibration, temperature, humidity, or tank level. 
  • Initiating real-time alerts to operators so that critical situations can be resolved quickly to avoid extended downtime, scrapped materials, or product recall.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Track and Reduce Causes of Waste

Remote monitoring provides a variety of benefits for facilities seeking to improve the overall efficiency of their operations.  For example:

  • Remote monitoring technologies provide data for OEE calculations.
  • Facilities can reduce waste and minimize its impact thanks to visibility into when and where inefficiencies occur.  
  • Access to logged data from sensors and indicator lights on machines enables users to track performance trends over time and identify steps for improvement. 
Factory Communication and Process Optimization

Streamline Call for Parts, Pickup, and More

Remote monitoring technologies are also capable of improving the efficiency of manual assembly and production lines.  Some of the benefits of wireless factory notification systems include: 

  • Allowing managers to remotely monitor multiple lines and work more efficiently by reducing the amount of time spent checking in on lines unnecessarily. This enables managers to quickly respond to issues as they arise and focus their attention where it's needed most.
  • Increasing efficiency when managing and responding to call for parts, service, or pickup.  
  • Reducing the need for workers to leave their workstations and find a manager when they need assistance. 
Featured Products

DXM Series

Wireless Controller for IIoT Applications

DXMシリーズ産業ワイヤレスコントローラは、イーサネット接続とインダストリアルIoT (IIoT) 用途を容易にするように設計されています。 

  • ISM無線を900 MHzとローカルワイヤレスネットワーク用の2.4 GHzで提供
  • Modbus RTUをModbus TCP/IPまたはイーサネットI/Pに変換
  • アクションルールとテキスト言語メソッドを使ってプログラム可能な論理コントローラ
  • データロギング用のMicro SDカード
  • 電子メールとテキストによるアラート
  • セルラー接続用のセルモデム
Cloud Data Services

Software for IIoT Applications

The Connected Data Solutions software is a web-based platform that allows users to access, store, protect, and export critical data collected by Banner's wired and wireless sensors. The software complements our wireless product portfolio and provides customers with complete end-to-end IIoT solutions to solve the Industrial markets most pressing problems.

  • With analytics and visualization tools, the software delivers actionable insights that allow you to solve real challenges on the factory floor. 
  • データを保管し、経時的に傾向を分析
  • Remotely access data anytime and anywhere using an internet-connected device. 
  • 電子メールまたはSMSメッセージでリアルタイム通知を受信
QM30VT Series vibration and temperature sensor
QM30VT Series

Vibration and Temperature Sensor


  • マルチホップModbus無線または1ワイヤシリアルノードを使用してDXMシリーズワイヤレスコントローラーまたはゲートウェイに性能データを送信
  • モーター、ファン、ポンプ、および回転運動または振動を生じるあらゆる機械の潜在的な問題を検出
  • 小さなスペースにも簡単にフィットする超小型設計
  • 316Lステンレス鋼製ハウジングまたはヘビーデューティー仕様のアルミニウム製ハウジングのモデルを用意
  • コネクテッドデータソリューションソフトウェアおよび振動と温度に対応したワイヤレスソリューションキットとの完全な互換性
