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  • Call for Parts, Service, or Pallet Pickup

    Call for Parts, Service, or Pallet Pick-Up Image

    Application: Provide a wireless call-for-parts, service, and Andon system

    Challenge: Real-time communication between multiple workstations and forklifts/Hi-Los

    Solution: K70 Touch Buttons and Wireless Direct Select Operator Interfaces, often paired with a DXM700 Wireless Controller

    Benefits: High visibility LED indication for call and acknowledgement, dynamic queue with visual display at the forklift of which stations are calling, and reliable Sure Cross® wireless network enables communication between devices


    Increase production efficiency by developing a wireless call-for-parts, service, and Andon system that allows for up to 35 work stations to call out to 12 forklifts/Hi-Los using the EZ-Light K70 Touch to wireless Direct Select operator interface. This provides for quicker responses from forklift drivers and/or supervisors to indicate a request has been accepted. When creating a call system using wireless indicators, work stations can maintain a steady workflow and resolve critical issues quickly.

    Total time of requests, number of requests, and total time to acknowledge requests are tracked, allowing analysis of average delivery and acknowledgement times for each station. Each station has a single call (K70 Touch) with a lighted response that is initially red upon request and becomes yellow after it is acknowledged by the Direct Select.

    On the Direct Select, a display shows the station number that has requested a call and flashes an LED indicator to alert the mobile responder that assistance has been requested. Once a call is accepted and assigned to a mobile responder, other available responders will update the next station in the queue. This system provides the information necessary to react quickly to work station requests and drive efficiency improvements based on data that was previously unavailable.

    Features and Benefits

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