Asset Monitoring Gateway
900MHz ISM Radio
AT&T Cellular [North America Only]
CLOUD ID Auto-detect Wireless Devices
Power Supply & Ethernet Cable Included
故障するのを待ってはいけません。予防保全に伴う複雑さは、バナーにお任せください。Banner Cloud ID Kitsを使用すれば、稼動の開始に有効なソリューションをこれまで以上に簡単に導入することができます。
The Area Monitoring Gateway with Cloud ID from Banner Engineering provides real-time insights about the operation and performance of the assets in your facility. This helps you make informed decisions to increase productivity, save energy, and prevent unexpected maintenance issues. The gateway features a user-friendly, no-code setup and the ability to automatically recognize an array of compatible sensors that can measure vibration, differential pressure, temperature and humidity, tank level, and a lot more. Easily select sensors that fit your application and monitor almost any asset in your facility; examples include conveyor systems, industrial fans, pumps, electric motors, compressed air systems, and dust-collection units.
Deploying an Area Monitoring Gateway with Cloud ID is quick and simple—begin monitoring your equipment in minutes, not months. Banner’s Cloud Data Services platform provides access to your data in customizable online dashboards on a device of your choice. Allow your maintenance, production, and sustainability teams real-time access to data, to evaluate overall operational performance from anywhere.
Cloud ID Kits combine both hardware and software as part of a comprehensive condition-monitoring solution. With wireless and cloud technology, you can actively track machine performance online, conduct predictive maintenance, and improve operational efficiency. This approach is a prime application of IIoT (the Industrial Internet of Things). For competitive manufacturers, Cloud ID achieves several important goals:
Banner Cloud ID Kitsのゲートウェイは、互換性のある一連のセンサノードと簡単にバインドできるようにあらかじめ設定されており、初期状態ですぐに使うことができます。クラウドデータサービスプラットフォームは、ネットワーク上の各装置のデータに簡単にアクセスして分析できる強力なツールを提供し、導入したその日からクラウドへの直接接続を実現します。ローカルネットワークに装置を接続すれば、数時間ではなく数分で貴重なデータを収集し、活用し始めることができます。
Cloud ID technology enables sensors to be auto-recognized by the Area Monitoring Gateway as well as Banner Cloud Data Services (CDS). For example if you connect a vibration sensor to your gateway, the CDS dashboard will automatically update the reporting system with vibration data.
予知保全を実現するために行う状態監視は、Banner Cloud ID Kitsに備わる重要な機能です。CDSプラットフォームは、バナーのワイヤレスセンサが収集した重要なデータへのアクセス、保存、保護、エクスポートを可能にします。装置データは実用的であるため、トレンドの特定、メンテナンス要件の予測、費用のかかる設備の故障の回避、予定外のダウンタイムの防止を簡単に実現することができます。
All Asset Monitoring Gateways with CLOUD ID are preconfigured to automatically begin processing data from the sensor nodes that you bind to the gateway. There is no need to connect a laptop and program anything. The gateway automatically identifies the sensor node type (e.g., vibration, humidity, distance measurement) so that it may be tagged correctly when sent to the cloud.
既定のダッシュボードとアラームは、Banner Cloud ID Kitごとに自動的に作成されます。単純なドラッグアンドドロップ方式のウィジェットを使用して、独自のビューを操作または構築します。画像、グラフ、インタラクティブなコンポーネントを埋め込めるため、ユーザーのニーズに合わせてダッシュボードをカスタマイズすることができます。
Use customizable Banner CDS dashboards to gain global visibility into equipment from anywhere.
Banner CDSでは、重要度と時間の複数の指標を用いて、クラウドからの条件基準のアラートを設定することができます。これらのアラートでは、クラウドで設定されたパラメータに基づいて、リモートユーザーにメールやSMSを送信することができます。複数のシフトを稼働していますか? 適切な人に適切なタイミングで通知できるように、時間の制約を設定することができます。
Banner DXM1200 Gateway with dual antennas
センサやゲートウェイをクラウドソフトウェアに接続する作業は、複雑になりがちですが、Banner Cloud ID KitsとCDSを使えば、これまでになく簡単に異種データのシグナルを収集し、クラウドにプッシュして、インサイトを導き出すことができます。シンプルなのですぐに始められ、デジタル変革の成熟度に合わせて拡張できるという柔軟性がそなわっています。CDSは、生産性を向上させ、利益ある成長を促進できる強力なツールです。
Get a personalized virtual or on-site demonstration of the Area Monitoring Gateway with Cloud ID. Explore key features, expanded application examples, and get expert answers to your technical questions. Experience cost-effective, reliable solutions designed to increase uptime and enhance productivity. Contact us today at 1-888-3-SENSOR (736767) or by the form below and see for yourself why Banner Engineering is the trusted choice for your condition monitoring needs .
Get a personalized virtual or on-site demonstration of the Cloud ID Kit. Explore key features, expanded application examples, and get expert answers to your technical questions. Experience cost-effective, reliable solutions designed to increase uptime and enhance productivity. Contact us today at 1-888-3-SENSOR (736767) or by the form below and see for yourself why Banner Engineering is the trusted choice for your air compressor monitoring needs .
Sure Cross® Q45 1-Wire Serial Nodes are pre-mapped to work with Banner's 1-Wire Serial Sensors. Their compact size, integrated lithium batteries, and variety of compatible sensors make remote monitoring easy.
DXMコントローラシリーズは、バナーのワイヤレス無線、セルラーおよびイーサネット接続性、およびローカルI/Oを統合し、インダストリアルIoT (IIoT) のプラットフォームを提供しています。
The Cloud Data Services (CDS) software is a cloud-based platform that allows users to visualize, create alerts, store, and analyze critical data collected by Banner wired and wireless devices.
This tool will help you build out your Asset Monitoring Gateway with CLOUD ID solution. Pick one asset monitoring gateway, and then up to forty sensor node(s) to monitor all of your critical assets in your process. If you have any questions, please contact a trained engineer and we will be happy to help build your Asset Monitoring Gateway with CLOUD ID solution with you on the phone or via chat.
Choose from one of the Asset Monitoring Gateways based on your radio frequency needs. You can only select one Asset Monitoring Gateway to add to your bundle before proceeding to your next step. If you need a cellular provider, please read the second bullet to know which cellular provider you are selecting.
In the next step, you will select the sensor node(s) for your specific monitoring needs. Note your frequency selection on your Asset Monitoring Gateway to define the options of sensor nodes for you to choose from.
You’re about to make a change which will affect the compatibility of other items you’ve chosen in later steps. By making this change you understand that you will have to complete all subsequent steps again.