PMシリーズ - 配線の取り換え
PMシリーズは、ソフトウェアを使用せずに簡単にセットアップできる柔軟なネットワークを提供します。基本的なポイントツーポイント ネットワークのセットアップは、携帯電話とヘッドセットのペアリングと同じくらい簡単に行えます。ケーブルの交換やデジタルおよびアナログ信号の範囲の拡張を、わずかな作業で行えます。
- ソフトウェア不要
- メニュー操作によるLCDユーザーインターフェイス
- 選択できる2つのI/O構成
- 選択できる複数のI/Oマップ
- 1つのゲートウェイは最大2つ (PM2) または6つ (PM8) のノードをサポートできるように事前構成済み
- 過酷な環境にも耐えうるIP67等級のハウジング
PM2 Series Kit
Includes one gateway and one node
pre-mapped and pre-bound
2.4 GHz 100 mW
LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
IP67 / NEMA 6
In: Four selectable NPN/PNP Discrete; Two 0-20 mA -
PM2 Series Kit
Includes One Gateway and One Node
Pre-Mapped and Pre-Bound
900 MHz
LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
IP67 / NEMA 6
In: Four Selectable NPN/PNP Discrete; Two 0-20 Ma -
PM8 Series Kit
Includes One Gateway And One Node
Pre-Mapped And Pre-Bound
900 MHz 1 W/250 mW
LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
IP67, NEMA 6
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete -
PM Series Node- LCD for Diagnostics
2.4 GHz, IP67 /NEMA 6
Inputs:Four selectable NPN/PNP discrete
Two 0-20 mA
Outputs: Four PNP discrete; Two 0-20 mA -
PM Series Node - LCD for Diagnostics
900 MHz IP67, NEMA 6
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete -
PM Series Node- LCD for Diagnostics
900 MHz, IP67 /NEMA 6
Inputs:Four selectable NPN/PNP discrete
Two 0-20 mA
Outputs: Four PNP discrete; Two 0-20 mA -
PM Series Gateway -LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
900 MHz, IP67 /NEMA 6
Inputs:Four Selectable NPN/PNP Discrete
Two 0-20 mA
Outputs: Four PNP Discrete; Two 0-20 mA -
PM Series Gateway -LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
2.4 GHz, IP67 /NEMA 6
Inputs:Four Selectable NPN/PNP Discrete
Two 0-20 mA
Outputs: Four PNP Discrete; Two 0-20 mA -
PM Series Gateway - LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
900 MHz IP67, NEMA 6
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete -
PM8 Series Kit
Includes one gateway and one node
Pre-mapped and pre-bound
2.4 GHz 100 mW
LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
IP67, NEMA 6
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP discrete -
PM Series Node - LCD for Diagnostics
2.4 GHz IP67, NEMA 6
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete -
PM Series Gateway - LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
2.4 GHz IP67, NEMA 6
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete -
PM Series Node- LCD for Diagnostics
900 MHz, IP20 /NEMA 1
Inputs:Four Selectable NPN/PNP Discrete, two 0-20 mA
Outputs: Four PNP Discrete, two 0-20 mA
External Terminals -
PM Series Gateway - LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
900 MHz, IP20 /NEMA 1
Inputs:Four Selectable NPN/PNP Discrete, two 0-20 mA
Outputs: Four PNP Discrete, two 0-20 mA
External Terminals -
PM Series Node
900 MHz IP67, NEMA 6
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
No LCD Screen -
PM Series Gateway - LCD Selectable I/O Mapping
900 MHz IP20, NEMA 1
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
External Terminals -
PM Series Node - LCD for Diagnostics
900 MHz IP20, NEMA 1
Inputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
Outputs: Six Sourcing/PNP Discrete
External Terminals