DXMシリーズ産業ワイヤレスコントローラは、イーサネット接続とインダストリアルIoT (IIoT) アプリケーションを容易に実現できるように設計されています。ローカルワイヤレスネットワークとインターネットまたはホストシステムとの接続には、内蔵のDX80ゲートウェイまたはマルチホップデータ無線で提供される強力なModbus通信装置を使用できます。
- 困難な環境で使用できる、IP67等級ハウジングを備えたDXM1200モデル
- DXM1200Eモデルには、ワイヤレス範囲を改善する機能が備わっているため、ワイヤレス装置に届きにくい場所でも、アンテナを理想的な場所まで拡張可能
- ISM無線を900 MHzとローカルワイヤレスネットワーク用の2.4 GHzで提供
- Modbus RTUをModbus TCP/IPまたはイーサネットI/Pに変換
- アクションルールとテキスト言語メソッドを使ってプログラム可能な論理コントローラ
- データロギング用のMicro SDカード
- 電子メールとテキストによるアラート
- ローカルI/Oオプション:絶縁されたディスクリート入力、ユニバーサル入力、SPDT (フォームC) リレー出力、NMOS出力、およびアナログ出力
- 電源:12~30 V DC、12 V DC 太陽光パネル、またはバッテリバックアップ
- RS-232、RS-485、およびイーサネット通信ポート、およびUSB構成ポート
- I/O情報・ユーザーによるプログラム可能なLED用のLCDディスプレイ
- セルラー接続用のセルモデム (別売)
Technical Literature
DXM General Information
技術文献 - DXM700
技術文献 - DXM1000
技術文献 - DXM1200
技術文献 - DXM100
技術文献 - DXM150
Solutions Guides
PLC Support Files
PLC サポート ファイル
Product Data Files
Marketing Literature
Technical Notes
Additional Technical Notes available in the Wireless Reference Library.
Application Notes

レガシーの射出成形機をスマート化する - Snap Signalでインダストリー4.0の機能を提供。

Remotely monitor your assets and gain access to previously unavailable data.

Increase efficiency using a wireless call-for-parts/service/pickup system

The K50U wireless ultrasonic sensor was designed specifically as a non-contact level monitoring solution. Monitoring the levels of epoxy in drums during refill alerts staff of potential overflows before they become a problem.
![Vibration Monitoring a Main Air Handler [Success Story]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/3d-renders/application-notes/predictive-maint/qm30vt-motor-vibration-detection.psd/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Vibration Monitoring a Main Air Handler [Success Story]
Learn how the installation of Banner wireless vibration sensors and data from the DXM wireless gateway prevented unplanned downtime in this application.

Identify machine problems before they cause serious damage or unplanned downtime.

![Predictive Maintenance of Motors and Gearboxes on Large Cranes [Success Story]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/photography/general---stock-photography/stock_photo_new/bigstock-In-A-Port-49071524.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Predictive Maintenance of Motors and Gearboxes on Large Cranes [Success Story]
Wireless products enable predictive maintenance in the port industry. Motors and gearboxes on cranes are prone to high vibration and temperature which can cause them to degrade. Predictive maintenance allows employees to interfere and solve problems before they completely fail and cause unplanned downtime and lost profit.



Predictive maintenance enables users to more accurately anticipate when machine maintenance will be needed based on real-time data from the machines themselves.

Banner’s wireless vibration and temperature sensor measures RMS velocity, in inches per second or millimeters per second, and temperature. Mounting it as close as possible to the bearings enables you to monitor the machine’s health by detecting increases in vibration and temperature. It is easy to mount using the standard bracket, the magnetic bracket or two sided thermal transfer mounting tape.

Remote monitoring enables increased visibility into the performance and efficiency of machines, processes, and people.
![Predictive Maintenance of Rotating Parts on Conveyor [Success Story]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/photography/general---stock-photography/stock_photo_new/AdobeStock_111970609.jpeg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
Predictive Maintenance of Rotating Parts on Conveyor [Success Story]
Wireless monitoring of rotating parts on coal conveyors throughout a large port allows operators to utilize predictive maintenance to prevent failure and save money while reducing downtime.

Increasing Productivity with Pick-to-Light System
Learn how In the Ditch™, an Idaho-based manufacturer of award-winning products for the towing industry, was able to make substantial improvements to the efficiency and accuracy of their picking processes by implementing a complete pick-to-light system from Banner Engineering.

Inbound and Outbound Status Indication at Loading Dock
In a recent material handling application, facility managers needed to find a solution that would alert them to the status of trailer capacity at loading dock doors in real-time.
![Calculate OEE with a Wireless Solution [Video]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/video/video-thumbnails/applications/animation_thumbnails_updated/OEE_to_improve_productivity.psd/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
ワイヤレスソリューションによる総合設備効率 (OEE) の計算
総合設備効率 (OEE) を計算することで、効率性と生産性の改善に役立てることができます。ワイヤレスシステムを使用することで、アップタイムの追跡、スループットの確認、品質の監視、および業務の最適化を図ることができます。

Wireless Vibration Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Solutions
Monitor machine health utilizing predictive maintenance by continuously monitoring for vibration and temperature changes.
![Wireless Call for Parts, Services, and Pick-Up Solution [Video]](/content/dam/banner-engineering/3d-renders/product-group/multi_division/call-for-parts/Wireless-Call-for-Parts-Group-off.psd/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png)
部品、サービス、引き取りワイヤレスコールソリューション [動画]

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Solutions
IIoT solutions from Banner Engineering provide companies with greater visibility into their operations by enabling access to critical performance and production data, making it easy to solve problems, identify trends, and make better, data driven decisions.

How-To Guide: DXM Controller with Ignition SCADA
Learn how to connect the Banner DXM Gateway series with the Ignition SCADA software.