T30R レーダーセンサ
- 高誘電体 (金属や大量の水など) や低誘電体 (木材、岩石、有機物など) をより幅広い用途で確実に検出することができます。
- 雨、風、雪、霧、蒸気、日光の影響を受けず、動作温度は -40~65℃です。
- セットアップと構成を柔軟に行うためのレーダー構成ソフトウェア、IO-Link、リモートティーチ入力、プッシュボタン
- 困難な環境での使用に適したコンパクトなIP67定格ハウジング
- バナーライトとの直接統合を可能にするPulse Pro出力。電力のみを必要とするプロセスのダイレクトフィードバック。コントローラは不要
- 周波数変調連続波 (FMCW) による静止体と移動体の検出
- クロストークへの耐性があるため、複数のセンサを近接して取り付け可能
- 検出範囲は15 mであるため、150 mmの近距離での検出能力を維持しながらさらに遠くのターゲットを検出
PLC サポート ファイル
Application Notes

Vehicle detection at loading docks is complicated because sensing solutions are exposed to the elements and need to recognize a wide variety of surfaces. Rugged ultrasonic sensors work well to accurately detect the surfaces of delivery vehicles regardless of the material. Pairing with bright LED indication creates unmistakable operator guidance.

A transshipment company needed to streamline and improve their container transport process. Containers had to be quickly transferred from one means of transport to the next. Reach stackers would often collide with the containers, damaging themselves and the containers, resulting in unnecessary downtime and added costs.

Use Radar Distance Measurement for Safe Truck Docking
T30R sensors can send truck distance data to a warning light for drivers.

Preventing Baggage Handling Equipment from Damaging Aircraft
Radar sensors help ground crews avoid equipment collisions with airplanes.

Detecting Shiny, Reflective Wheel Parts
The T30R radar sensor from Banner Engineering can easily identify objects with reflective, curved surfaces, such as new automobile wheels in an assembly line.

Sensing Vehicle Position Within an Automated Car Wash
T30R sensors from Banner Engineering excel in vehicle-detection applications, even in harsh environments like car washes. As a radar sensor, the T30R detects the position of cars, trucks, and other large objects despite the presence of excess water, mist, and steam.

Measuring Hopper Fill Levels with Radar
The Banner Engineering T30R radar sensor can be used to accurately measure the level of material in a hopper, for efficient and continuous production or packaging. The sensor uses radar, so it functions well even in the presence of dust or other airborne particles.

Level Monitoring in a Plastic Tank
A Banner Engineering T30R radar sensor can be used to accurately measure the amount of liquid inside a plastic tank.
Radar Configuration Software

T30R Software Deep Dive
Take a deeper look into T30R's software and how it works.

Setting up the T30R with Pro Lights
Learn how the T30R can be used with Pulse Pro I/O lights from Banner Engineering such as the WLS27 Pro or the TL50 Pro for visual distance feedback.

T30R Software Basics
Get a high level understanding of the T30R software.

T30R Radar Sensor
Learn about Banner's newest best-in-class radar sensor, T30R.

T30R Application: Vehicle Detection
The T30R detects vehicles regardless of shape, size, or weather conditions.

T30R Application: Loading Dock
The T30R provides bright, visual indication to assist truck drivers at loading docks.