K50R レーダーセンサ
- 湿気、雨や雪、霧、蒸気、日光、埃や空気中の粒子、温度変化のある屋外環境でも信頼できるパフォーマンス
- 24 GHzのレーダーセンサよりも多様な物質を検出でき、122 GHzのセンサよりも耐候性に優れた60 GHzの周波数で動作
- 2.5メートルの検出範囲と0.1メートルの短いデッドゾーン
- 広角(80°×60°)ビームパターン
- 標準バージョンでは、有無検出用の3つのLEDとデュアルディスクリート出力を装備
- Proバージョンは8個のプログラマブルRGB LEDを搭載し、アプリケーションに合わせて表示をカスタマイズ可能
- PC GUIまたはリモートティーチ構成オプション
- 平らな面に設置しやすいフラッシュマウント設計
- 車両検出用途に最適なセンサ
Application Notes

Tank Level Measurement in a Car Wash
Banner’s K50R radar sensor is a reliable, cost-efficient, externally-mounted solution for precisely measuring levels of car wash chemicals in storage tanks.

Mobile Robot Collision Avoidance
Banner’s K50RB Pro Radar Sensor prevents mobile robots from colliding with objects positioned in any direction or at any height.

Bank Drive-Thru Automobile Detection
Banner Engineering's K50R short-range radar sensor can be used to detect vehicles at bank teller drive-thru windows. It is designed to operate in any outdoor weather conditions.

Banner Engineering’s K50R radar sensor offers an ideal solution for electric vehicle detection at recharge stations. When cars park at a charging station, the radar sensor immediately detects the vehicle’s presence. If separate monitoring indicates that the car is not plugged into the charge station, a signal is sent to a central location, alerting authorities to ticket or remove the vehicle if necessary.

Detecting Parking Spot Availability
Banner Engineering's weather-resistant K50R short-range radar sensors can be placed above parking spaces in a large, multi-level parking structure to monitor parking availability and help drivers to find open parking spaces more easily.

Introducing the K50R Radar Sensor
The K50R is a robust alternative to photoelectric and ultrasonic sensors for some of the most challenging applications or extreme conditions.
K50R R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor
Range 5.0 m; 40x30 degree FOV; Flush Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output: 2 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor
Range 5.0 m; 40x30 degree FOV; Flush Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output: 4-20 mA, 1 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor
Range 5.0 m; 40x30 degree FOV; Flush Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output: 0-10 V, 1 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor
Range 3.0 m; 80x60 degree FOV; Flat Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output 2 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R Pro R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor Configurable LEDs
Range 3.0 m; 80x60 degree FOV; Flat Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output 2 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor
Range 5.0 m; 40x30 degree FOV; Base Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output: 2 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor
Range 5.0 m; 40x30 degree FOV; Base Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output: 4-20 mA, 1 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor
Range 5.0 m; 40x30 degree FOV; Base Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output: 0-10 V, 1 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R Pro R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor Configurable LEDs
Range 5.0 m; 40x30 degree FOV; Base Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output: 2 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD -
K50R Pro R-GAGE Series Radar Sensor Configurable LEDs
Range 5.0 m; 40x30 degree FOV; Flush Mount
Input: 10-30 V dc; Output: 2 NPN/PNP Configurable
5-pin M12 Integral QD