Safety Relay Selection

Industrial safety relay modules are simple, cost-effective devices that monitor a single safety input device on a machine to ensure safe stop and start functions. Each safety relay module acts as an interface between the machine and a specific safety device, like an E-Stop button, rope pull, safety light curtain, or similar primary safety device.

UM Series Universal Input Safety Relays

Flexible Compatibility


Reduce inventory with a single solution for the most common safety devices.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 7A

Pre-configured logic

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD

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SC10シリーズ 安全コントローラ / リレー ハイブリッド

Hybrid Controller/Relay

SC10 Series Safety Controller / Relay Hybrid

Takes the place of two safety relays and is easily configured to your device and logic needs.


Safety Inputs: up to 10

Safety Outputs: 2, 6A each

PC configurable logic

Self -Evaluating: Yes

Industrial Ethernet

EtherNet/IP, Modbus, PROFINET, PCCC

開始: $ USD

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SR-IMシリーズ インターフェイスセーフティリレー

For Devices with EDM

SR-IMシリーズ インターフェイスセーフティリレー

Cost-effective interface modules providing isolated safety output contacts for primary safety devices with solid-state or hard contact outputs and external device monitoring (EDM) capability.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Pre-configured logic

Self-Evaluating: No, EDM

Safety device required

開始: $ USD

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IM-T Series Interface Safety Relays

For Devices with EDM


Cost effective option when paired with safety devices with EDM.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Pre-configured logic

Self-Evaluating: No, EDM

Safety device required

開始: $ USD

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Flexible Compatibility

Hybrid Controller/Relay

Reduce inventory with a single solution for the most common safety devices.

Takes the place of two safety relays and is easily configured to your device and logic needs.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 7A

Pre-configured logic

Self-Evaluating: Yes


Safety Inputs: up to 10

Safety Outputs: 2, 6A each

PC configurable logic

Self -Evaluating: Yes

Industrial Ethernet

EtherNet/IP, Modbus, PROFINET, PCCC

開始: $ USD 

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開始: $ USD 

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For Devices with EDM

For Devices with EDM

Cost-effective interface modules providing isolated safety output contacts for primary safety devices with solid-state or hard contact outputs and external device monitoring (EDM) capability.

Cost effective option when paired with safety devices with EDM.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Pre-configured logic

Self-Evaluating: No, EDM

Safety device required


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Pre-configured logic

Self-Evaluating: No, EDM

Safety device required

開始: $ USD 

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開始: $ USD 

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Warehouse Manager

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ES Series E-Stop and GM Series Guard Monitoring Safety Relays

For E-Stops and Doors


Easily add a standard e-stop or gate switch.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 7A

Pre-configured logic

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD

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AT Series Duo-Touch Two Hand Control Safety Relays

For Two-Hand Controls

Duo-Touch SGシリーズ両手操作セーフティリレー

Complete the two hand control system with this module and two Banner STB buttons.


Safety Inputs: 2

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD

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SM Series Pressure Sensitive Safety Mat Relays

For Safety Mats


Monitor a single 4-wire safety mat or multiple mats in a series.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD

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EM Series Safety Extension Relays

For Extra Outputs


Add additional safety outputs to a safety relay or controller.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD

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SSM Series Safe Speed Monitoring Relays

Speed Monitoring


Monitor two sensors with PNP outputs, monitoring rotation (RPM) or linear movement.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD

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MMD Series Muting Safety Relays

For Muting


Monitor two or four redundant inputs to automatically suspend safety function of a safety light screen during a nonhazardous machine cycle.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD

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For E-Stops and Doors

For Two-Hand Controls

For Safety Mats

Easily add a standard e-stop or gate switch.

Complete the two hand control system with this module and two Banner STB buttons.

Monitor a single 4-wire safety mat or multiple mats in a series.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 7A

Pre-configured logic

Self-Evaluating: Yes


Safety Inputs: 2

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD 

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開始: $ USD 

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開始: $ USD 

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For Extra Outputs

Speed Monitoring

For Muting

Add additional safety outputs to a safety relay or controller.

Monitor two sensors with PNP outputs, monitoring rotation (RPM) or linear movement.

Monitor two or four redundant inputs to automatically suspend safety function of a safety light screen during a nonhazardous machine cycle.


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes


Safety Inputs: 1

Safety Outputs: 1, 6A

Self-Evaluating: Yes

開始: $ USD 

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開始: $ USD 

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開始: $ USD 

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