• 戻る

  • 部品ピッキング確認用ピックトゥライト:PVAシリーズ

    • 組立作業用の信頼性の高いポカよけシステム
    • 所定の作業にどの部品が必要であるのか、どの順番でピッキングするのかを組立工に知らせる
    • 非同期投光器および受光器を使用し、コントローラは不要
    • 電源電圧DC12~30V、NPN/PNP出力
    • ライトオン/ダークオン、ジョブライト点灯/点滅、周波数A/B、ジョブライト作動用の入力の極性をDIPスイッチにより切り替え可
    • 一般的な容器サイズに合う、100 mm、225 mm、300 mm、375 mmの4種類の長さをご用意
    • 2メートルの安全距離に対応
    • 視認性の高いLED内蔵


    PVA Parts Verification Array
    25 May 2022
    SMBPVA2 Mounting Bracket
    SMBPVA2 Mounting Bracket
    29 Dec 2021
    Mounting Bracket Kit SMBPVA6 and VL4
    26 Apr 2017
    PVA Parts Verification Array Sensors -- Datasheet (Japanese)
    PVA Series Parts Verification Array Sensors - Portuguese


    Visual Factory Flyer
    Visual Factory Flyer
    17 Jan 2025
    2008-09 Sensors Catalog (Pg 345-368) - EZ-LIGHT Sensors
    5 May 2008
    PVA Parts Verification Array Sensors
    PVA Parts Verification Array Sensors
    14 Nov 2003
    Pick-to-Light Solutions Flyer - Dutch
    Pick-to-Light Series Flyer - Dutch
    Pick-to-Light Series Flyer - Dutch
    Pick-to-Light Series Flyer - UK English
    Pick-to-Light Solutions Flyer - Hungarian
    Pick-to-Light Solutions Flyer - EU Spanish
    Order Fulfillment
    Order Fulfillment

    The system controller issues an instruction to pick an item from a particular location. The controller turns on the PVA’s job lights at the specified location. The job lights go off when an item from that location is removed. If multiple items are required from one location, the job light stays on until the correct number of items are removed. The bright light of the EZ-LIGHT PVA pick-to-light sensor makes it possible to see which part to pick from a distance, saving time.

    Pick Sequence Indication and Pick Verification
    Pick Sequence Indication and Pick Verification

    A pair of EZ-LIGHT PVA pick-to-light sensors are mounted to a rack on either side of a bin. In response to a signal from a process controller, the PVA illuminates to show the assembler which part to pick next. When the assembler's hand enters and leaves the bin, the controller recognizes that the part is picked and lights up the PVA for the next bin in the pick sequence.


    Several technologies and solutions are available for bin-picking applications for error-proofing processes. Light arrays prompt the operator for part selection with integral job lights, then reliably sense retrieval of the part, using an array of visible red or infrared sensing beams located in front of the bin.


    自動車組立工場では、一部の部品を一時的に取り付けるために、「グレネードピン」と呼ばれる一時ピンが使用されます。グレネードピンの除去を確認するために、点検ステーションには、EZ-LIGHT PVAピッキングセンサが装備されたピン用のコンテナがあります。


    The EZ-LIGHT PVA pick-to-light sensors provide a reliable error-proofing solution for various operation systems. The light indicate to assemblers which items to pick and in which order to pick them.




    Sensing Array Length (mm)

    • (14)
    • (10)
    • (11)
    • (12)

    Sensing Mode

    • (16)
    • (15)
    • (16)


    • (24)
    • (23)


    • (13)
    • (18)

    Cable Length (m)

    • (2)
    • (1)
    • (44)
    すべて表示 表示を縮小
    1. PVA100P6Q

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      M12 Pigtail QD

    2. PVA225P6Q

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      M12 Pigtail QD

    3. PVA100P6EQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m M12 Pigtail QD

    4. PVA100P6RQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP Programmable for LO/DO
      M12 Pigtail QD

    5. PVA225P6EQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      M12 Pigtail QD

    6. PVA225P6RQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP Programmable for LO/DO
      M12 Pigtail QD

    7. PVA100P6

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    8. PVA100P6E

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    9. PVA100P6R

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP Programmable for LO/DO
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    10. PVA375P6EQ

      logo with r symbol

      NOPVA Series: 375 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      M12 Integral QD

    11. PVA375P6RQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP Programmable for LO/DO
      M12 Pigtail QD

    12. PVA375P6Q

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      2 m M12 Pigtail QD

    13. PVA100N6

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN (on receiver)
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    14. PVA100N6R

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN Programmable for LO/DO
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    15. PVA225P6E

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    16. PVA225P6R

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP Programmable for LO/DO
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    17. PVA300P6EQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      M12 Pigtail QD

    18. PVA300P6Q

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      2 m M12 Pigtail QD

    19. PVA300P6RQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP Programmable for LO/DO
      M12 Pigtail QD

    20. PVA375P6E

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    21. PVA375P6R

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP Programmable for LO/DO
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    22. PVA100N6E

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    23. PVA100N6EQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      M12 Integral QD

    24. PVA100N6Q

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN (on receiver)
      M12 Integral QD

    25. PVA100N6RQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN Programmable for LO/DO
      M12 Pigtail QD

    26. PVA100P6EQ W/6IN

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array
      Emitter ; Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      150 mm (6 in) M12 Pigtail QD

    27. PVA100P6RQ W/6IN

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 100 mm Array
      Receiver; Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP
      150 mm (6 in) M12 Pigtail QD

    28. PVA225N6

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN (on receiver)
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    29. PVA225N6E

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    30. PVA225N6R

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN Programmable for LO/DO
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    31. PVA225P6

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    32. PVA225P6QK

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 225 mm Array
      E/R and bracket kit; Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      M12 2 m Pigtail QD

    33. PVA300N6

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN (on receiver)
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    34. PVA300N6E

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    35. PVA300N6EQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      M12 Pigtail QD

    36. PVA300N6R

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN Programmable for LO/DO
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    37. PVA300N6RQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN Programmable for LO/DO
      M12 Pigtail QD

    38. PVA300P6

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    39. PVA300P6E

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    40. PVA300P6R

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 300 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP Programmable for LO/DO
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    41. PVA375N6

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN (on receiver)
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables

    42. PVA375N6E

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    43. PVA375N6EQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array - Emitter
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: Not Applicable
      M12 Pigtail QD

    44. PVA375N6Q

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN (on receiver)
      M12 Pigtail QD

    45. PVA375N6R

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN Programmable for LO/DO
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    46. PVA375N6RQ

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array - Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 NPN Programmable for LO/DO
      M12 Pigtail QD

    47. PVA375P6

      logo with r symbol

      PVA Series: 375 mm Array Pair - Emitter/Receiver
      Range: 2 m; Input: 12-30 V dc
      Output: 1 PNP (on receiver)
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cables
