• 戻る

  • 一体型部品確認アレイピックトゥライト:PVDシリーズ


    • 多様な部品組み立てやピッキング、ポカヨケの用途に適した使いやすいセンサ (特許出願中)
    • コントローラが不要な一体型自立センサ
    • 用途に応じて自動的に反射モードまたは回帰反射モードで動作
    • 電源電圧DC12~30V
    • 出力はDIPスイッチによってNPNまたはPNPを選択可能
    • セットアップおよび調整は自動式
    • 広い放射パターンで光軸調整が容易に
    • 大きな緑色のジョブライトで操作を指示し、ジョブライトが赤色になることでエラーを通知
    • 既存の容器サイズや構成に適応する2種類の長さ



    PVD Series Parts Verification Sensors
    7 Jan 2021


    Cost-Effective Pallet Detection Solution for Conveyance Equipment
    9 Jan 2013
    Customized PVD sensor solves  part-out application
    27 Sep 2012
    Pallet Detection for Conveyance Equipment
    Pallet Detection for Conveyance Equipment

    A leading manufacturer of conveying equipment designs and builds high-quality, low-cost conveyance solutions. The pallet equipment they develop is expected to reliably convey, palletize and depalletize thousands of pallets and unit loads annually. This equipment must be able to sense a wide range of different pallet types and sizes to ensure the proper packing and unpacking of pallets and avoid line slow-downs, pallet crashes and collapses.

    ダイから抜き取られた部品の検出 [成功事例]
    ダイから抜き取られた部品の検出 [成功事例]



    バナーのPVD100は、特徴が一貫しないパレットを調整の必要なく正確に検出するオーダーメイドのソリューションです。使いやすく汎用性の高いライトスクリーンは幅広いビームパターンを備え、アライメントが容易です。コンパクトな設計のため、機械に容易に組み込んだり、ラインに直接設置することができます。PVD100ライトスクリーン検知ソリューションの検出高は100 mm、スキャン検出範囲は2 mです。動作を表示し、操作ステータスを示すため、非常に見やすい赤と緑のLED照明を装備しています。


    一片型EZ-LIGHT PVDP2ピッキングセンサ用のオプションのブラケットにより、センサを取り外して別のラックに取り付けることができます。

    Bin Picking for Order Fulfillment
    Bin Picking for Order Fulfillment

    In a book packing warehouse, the rack above each carton of books is equipped with a one-piece EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light sensor. A worker fills orders by selecting the quantity of each book specified on the packing slip. To make it easier for the worker to find the cartons from which to pick books, the PVDs above those cartons are illuminated. The PVD detects the workers hand in the carton to verify that the title was picked.

    Order Fulfillment: Wide Shelf
    Order Fulfillment: Wide Shelf

    Each wide shelf is equipped with a one-piece EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light sensor in retroreflective mode, which has a range of up to 2 m. The PVD lights up on the bin from which the worker should select the map to ship.


    Several technologies and solutions are available for bin-picking applications for error-proofing processes. Light arrays prompt the operator for part selection with integral job lights, then reliably sense retrieval of the part, using an array of visible red or infrared sensing beams located in front of the bin.

    Part Pick Verification for Large Bins
    Part Pick Verification for Large Bins

    To reduce the risk of error in an assembly operation, a one-piece EZ-LIGHT PVD pick-to-light sensor is placed on the top rail of a shelf, looking down on the shelf opening. The PVD is interfaced with a process controller that is programmed to illuminate the PVD on the bin to pick. After the PVD detects that the assembler's hand has entered and left the bin, the controller signals the PVD on the next bin to pick.


    A Henshaw customer manufactures drivetrain and powertrain systems for the automotive industry. The company had experienced productivity losses due to errors in the assembly of transmission valve bodies. Henshaw was tasked with developing a system that would reduce errors and improve the assembly process.




    Sensing Array Length (mm)

    • (9)
    • (9)


    • (4)
    • (4)
    • (10)

    Cable Length (m)

    • (7)
    • (3)
    • (3)
    すべて表示 表示を縮小
    1. PVD100Q

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 channel; Range; up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      2 m 5-pin M12 Pigtail QD

    2. PVD100

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 channel; Range; up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    3. PVD225Q

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 channel; Range; up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      2 m 5-pin M12 Pigtail QD

    4. PVD225

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 channel; Range; up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      2 m (6.5 ft) Integral Cable

    5. PVD100Q W/6IN

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 channel; Range; up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      150 mm 5-pin M12 Pigtail QD

    6. PVD225Q W/6IN

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 channel; Range; up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      150 mm 5-pin M12 Pigtail QD

    7. PVD225MA1Q W/6IN

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 channel; Range: up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD
      Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

    8. PVD100MA1Q W/6IN

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 channel; Range: up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD
      Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

    9. PVD225 W/30

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 channel; Range; up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      9 m (30 ft) Integral Cable

    10. PVD225QPMA29

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 channel; Range: up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      5-pin M12 2 m (6.5 ft) PUR Pigtail QD
      Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

    11. PVD100 W/30

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 channel; Range; up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      9 m (30 ft) Integral Cable

    12. PVD100QMA15

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 beams; Retroreflective Range: up to 2 m, Diffuse; up to 400 mm
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      5-pin M12 2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Pigtail QD

    13. PVD100QNA

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 channel; Range: up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD
      Custom Settings; See Literature Insert

    14. PVD100QPMA15

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 beams; Retroreflective Range: up to 2 m, Diffuse; up to 400 mm
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Selectable NPN/PNP
      150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PUR Pigtail QD

    15. PVD100QPMA29

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      100 mm 4 channel; Range: up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      5-pin M12 2 m (6.5 ft) PUR Pigtail QD
      Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

    16. PVD225QMA15

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 beams; Retroreflective Range
      up to 2 m; Diffuse; up to 400 mm
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      5-pin M12 2 m (6.5 ft) PVC Pigtail QD

    17. PVD225QNA

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 channel; Range: up to 2 m
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
      150 mm (6 in) 5-pin M12 PVC Pigtail QD
      Modified for Automotive; See Literature Insert

    18. PVD225QPMA19

      logo with r symbol

      PVD Series: Parts Verification
      225 mm 8 beams; Retroreflective Range; up to 2 m, Diffuse; up to 400 mm
      Input: 12-30 V dc
      Outputs: Selectable NPN/PNP
