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  • LCA130T Andon Control Box

    Integral Capacitive Touch Button Control Box

    The LCA130T is an integral capacitive touch button control box ideal for controlling lights with just the press of a button. Simply connect the LCA130T to any light and the programmed status LEDs can mimic the light’s status. 

    • Rugged, cost-effective, and easy-to-install lighting control box
    • Integral 5 capacitive touch button controller with programmable LEDs and discrete outputs
    • Programmable using Banner's Pro Editor software and Pro converter cable
    • Two M12 connectors for added Andon application flexibility and easy installation
    • Five discrete outputs available to pass up to a total of 4 amps
    Remote I/O

    Product Selection




    IO Link

    • (3)

    Pro-Editor Compatible (Discrete)

    • (7)

    Wireless Radio Frequency

    • (2)
    • (2)
    すべて表示 表示を縮小
    1. LCA130T5KQ

      logo with r symbol

      IO-Link Touch Controller: 5-Output
      18-30 V dc
      5-Touch Control Module

    2. LCA130T4Q

      logo with r symbol

      LCA130T Andon Control Box: 4-Output
      Voltage: 18-30 V dc
      4-Touch Control Module

    3. LCA130T4DXN9Q

      logo with r symbol

      Touch Controller: 4-Output Wireless 900 MHz
      18-30 V dc
      5-Touch Control Module

    4. LCA130T5DXN9Q

      logo with r symbol

      Touch Controller: 5-Output Wireless 900 MHz
      18-30 V dc
      5-Touch Control Module

    5. LCA130T5Q

      logo with r symbol

      LCA130T Andon Control Box: 5-Output
      Voltage: 18-30 V dc
      5-Touch Control Module

    6. LCA130T3Q

      logo with r symbol

      LCA130T Andon Control Box: 3-Output
      Voltage: 18-30 V dc
      3-Touch Control Module

    7. LCA130T4DXN2Q

      logo with r symbol

      Touch Controller: 4-Output Wireless 2.4 GHz
      18-30 V dc
      5-Touch Control Module

    8. LCA130T4KQ

      logo with r symbol

      IO-Link Touch Controller: 4-Output
      18-30 V dc
      4-Touch Control Module

    9. LCA130T3KQ

      logo with r symbol

      IO-Link Touch Controller: 3-Output
      18-30 V dc
      3-Touch Control Module

    10. LCA130T5DXN2Q

      logo with r symbol

      Touch Controller: 5-Output Wireless 2.4 GHz
      18-30 V dc
      5-Touch Control Module
