iVu BCRシリーズ
iVu BCRシリーズ バーコードリーダーは、強力な解読機能と使いやすさを兼ね備え、困難なトレーサビリティ用途を解決します。汎用性の高いこれらのバーコードリーダーは、広範なレンズ、照明、およびユーザーインターフェイスで利用可能です。
- 破損コード、歪みのあるコード、その他の読み取りにくいコードなどを含む、広範な1Dおよび2Dバーコードの読み取り
- 複数のバーコードを向きに関係なく1回の検査で読み取り可能
- 統合されたタッチスクリーン、リモートタッチスクリーン、またはPCインターフェイスを使用して、検査の設定、管理、監視を実行
- 装置の統合を簡素化し、IIoTデータの収集を可能にするイーサネットおよびシリアル通信プロトコル
- 狭いスペースや産業環境に最適なIP67等級の堅牢なハウジング
- 豊富に用意された統合照明オプションにより、設置とコントラストの最適化にかかる面倒を軽減
- あらゆる用途のニーズを満たす、多様な標準およびCマウントオプションを含む交換可能なレンズ
PLC Support Files
Machine-Mountable Remote Display iVu
3.5 in Diagonal with M12 Connector
Used with all iVu Remote Sensors -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
UV 365 Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Blue Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Blue Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Blue Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 16 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 16 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
White Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 4.3 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Remote Sensor with Ethernet
For C-Mount Lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 8 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Blue Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Green Ring Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 16 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
IR Ring Light and 25 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 4.3 mm Lens
Requires Power Cordset and Bracket
Ethernet and USB Cordset Optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 6 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
Red Ring Light and 16 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 8 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
No Light and 12 mm lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional -
iVu PLUS BCR Gen2 Sensor with Ethernet
For C-Mount Lens
Requires power cordset and bracket
Ethernet and USB cordset optional