Advanced Safety Control for Smaller Machines

Safety devices on a semiautomatic tabletop assembly station must be monitored to ensure that they perform reliably and meet required safety standards. Keep reading to learn how an SC10 Series safety controller was able to replace the functionality of three safety relay modules with one compact, cost-effective device offering intuitive operation and advanced capabilities.

SC10 monitors safety devices on a semiautomatic assembly station
Safeguarding a Tabletop Assembly Station

A manufacturer of electronic components uses semiautomatic tabletop assembly stations in the production of their products. To protect operators from the hazardous motion of the equipment, each assembly station has an SLC4 safety light curtain at the part feed, a heavy-duty safety door with a SI-MAG non-contact safety switch at the service access, and a 30 mm E-Stop button at the front of the machine. On smaller machines like these, single-function safety relay modules are often used as an interface between the safety devices and the machine, providing safe stop and start functions.

Simplifying Safety Control

To simplify and enhance safety control, an SC10 Series safety controller was installed in the cabinet of each tabletop assembly station. The SC10 consolidates the functionality of multiple safety relay modules into one compact and cost-effective device, eliminating the need for a dedicated-function safety relay module for each safety device. This simplifies the wiring of each machine and creates space on the DIN rail.

This PC-configurable safety controller utilizes a feature-rich software with an icon-based, drag-and-drop user interface that makes it easy to add and connect devices. As devices are added, deleted, or edited, the software automatically provides the optimum terminal assignment to minimize wiring and maximize terminal utilization. The Automatic Terminal Optimization (ATO) feature can be used to expand the number of available inputs from 10 to 14 to accommodate additional devices. Each change to the configuration is graphically displayed in the wiring diagram, with terminal assignments clearly identified, making it easy to connect the devices.

Once the configuration has been tested and confirmed, the files can be saved to an SC-XM3 external drive. The configuration, network settings, and passwords can then be loaded onto additional SC10s by simply inserting the SC-XM3 into the micro USB port of each new safety controller. 


Adding Advanced Capabilities

Industrial Ethernet communication protocols provide two-way communication between the SC10 and other devices, enabling advanced diagnostic capabilities so that issues can be identified and resolved quickly, minimizing machine downtime. Each device can be configured for up to 256 virtual non-safe status outputs and 80 virtual non-safe inputs. This makes it possible to connect additional non-safety output devices like a PLC or indicator light as well as input devices like a manual reset without using IO terminals on the safety controller.

Benefits of SC10 Safety Controllers

SC10 Series safety controller with SC-XM3 external drive image

Minimize and Prevent Unplanned Downtime

In-Series Diagnostics provides easy access to device-level data that can be used to prevent potential problems and quickly correct issues that stop operations. Using an HMI or similar device, staff can view the status and location of each device and drill into the data to determine system health and performance. The system can even be configured to alert, direct, and instruct staff when a critical event occurs to get equipment back up and running as soon as possible.

Intuitive Operation

The icon-based, drag-and-drop user interface provided by Banner’s free safety controller software makes it easy to add devices to a configuration. The software automatically generates ladder logic and wiring diagrams that clearly identify terminal assignments. Users can test configurations prior to implementation using the simulation mode, reducing the risk of error. 

Versatile IO Capabilities

The SC10 features two dual channel relay outputs with six amps each, enabling the creation of independent safety zones with unique outputs for different safety functions. It has 10 inputs, including 4 inputs that can be converted to outputs for more efficient terminal use. Automatic Terminal Optimization (ATO) makes it possible to increase the number of available inputs from 10 up to 14 to accommodate an additional device. 

Cost-Effective Safety Control

The SC10 Series safety controller is an affordable alternative to safety relay modules. A single SC10 will replace two or more safety relays, reducing the time, labor, and expense of adding safe stop and start functions to machines with hazardous motion. It can be used to monitor a wide range of safety devices, eliminating the need to buy and stock multiple single-function safety relay modules. 

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SC10 Series Safety Controller / Relay Hybrid
SC10 Series Safety Controller / Relay Hybrid

Replaces the functionality of two safety relay modules with one compact, cost-effective device. Supports up to 10 inputs, 4 convertible inputs, and 2 dual channel 6 Amp relay outputs.

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