Otimizar Negócios de Drive-Thru com Sistema de Detecção de Veículos Sem Fio [História de Sucesso]

Fast food restaurants rely heavily on their drive-thru service, and they earn much of their revenue from drive-thru sales. Agilizar o processo de drive-thru em restaurantes de atendimento rápido (QSR) pode aumentar a receita e melhorar a satisfação do cliente.  By combining wireless vehicle detection sensors with an analytical software platform, restaurants can track the speed of service and compare drive-thru times at multiple locations. This visibility enables managers to identify where bottlenecks occur, and it allows stores to compete to improve their drive-thru service. 

Detecção de Veículos em Drive-Thru

Assista ao vídeo para ver como uma solução de detecção de veículo sem fio em um drive thru pode melhorar a eficiência e economizar custos.

Desafios de Detecção de Veículos em Pistas Drive-Thru

When drive-thru ordering lanes are backed up, it is very common to lose customers to other nearby restaurants, especially during peak mealtime hours. Maintaining a consistent turnover in drive-thru windows generates more customers, maximizes profits, and improves customer experience.

A maioria das instalações de QSR usam sistemas de laço indutivo para detecção de veículos, o que é dispendioso e exige um tempo de inatividade significativo para instalação e manutenção. Drive-thru lanes must often be closed or re-routed during installation, which reduces sales and can result in a negative customer experience.  Loop systems can also be expensive depending on the demands of the application. Adding more ordering stations as the business expands would require additional cables to run back to the restaurant, which means even more downtime.

As instalações que requerem alterações intrusivas na infraestrutura podem adicionar custos significativos a uma implantação do sistema. Remover e substituir concreto ou asfalto pode ser custoso, e cavar grandes orifícios para enterrar laços indutivos no chão pode resultar em superfícies irregulares ou buracos no futuro. The QSR industry is very competitive, and extra costs or downtime can seriously impact profitability.

Uma Solução Inteligente para Detecção e Monitoramento de Veículos

Combining wireless magnetometers with an analytics software that can track drive-thru times enables business owners and managers to identify bottlenecks that are slowing down the drive thru line.  A timer system that monitors drive-thru wait times and compares them to other stores within the same franchise creates a motivational tool that improves overall performance and sales. Wait times from each store are presented on leaderboards and top stores can receive rewards for short wait times.  Top-performing locations can also be used as case studies to help identify improvements for under-performing franchises.  

At a recent customer site, Banner Engineering’s wireless M-GAGE nodes were installed at each ordering station and drive-thru window to keep track of vehicles as they move through the lanes at quick serve restaurants. The gathered information was then sent to a DXM100 wireless controller, which aggregated the data and delivered it to a cloud-based platform for analysis. 

Using wireless products eliminated the need for costly cable runs. The low cost of the nodes, in addition to the overall savings from deployment, made it possible to install units at numerous locations without exorbitant costs.  The M-GAGE nodes are compact, fully potted and sealed, easy-to-use devices--all of which simplified the installation process. This also minimized damage to the ground and reduced the risk of infrastructure problems after installation. 

Os Benefícios de um Sistema Baseado em Nuvem

A wireless sensor network combined with analytics software creates a drive-thru monitoring system to support a smart restaurant design. The wireless products work as part of a cloud-based system and enables QSR franchises to create a simplified, network-based ordering system and pickup service. A instalação de um sistema de desempenho de drive-thru prepara o cenário para uma expansão futura à medida que os negócios crescerem. 

Imagem da Tabelas de Classificação
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