Vehicle Detection for Traffic and Parking


Enhance Mobility and Alleviate Parking Concerns

Vehicle detection solutions for traffic control and parking help communities and businesses implement parking guidance tools, ride sharing programs, and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that help enhance mobility and alleviate parking concerns. 

Keep reading to learn how vehicle detection solutions can benefit your parking facility. 

Challenges for Parking Applications


Each parking application is unique, from off-street parking to underground parking to complex facilities with a combination of parking lots, ramps, or underground garages. 

Many parking applications depend on accurate vehicle counting to reliably verify when a garage is full, many require reliable sensing in order to activate a pay station, and many can benefit from systems that direct drivers to available parking spots. 

It is therefore important to match the right technology to meet the demands of the application.  Some technologies, like ultrasonic sensors, are best suited for covered parking applications where they are sheltered from the elements that can negatively impract sensing function. 

Other technologies, like wireless magnetometers, excel in harsh outdoor conditions.  In some cases, an application could benefit from multiple redundant technologies to achieve the desired level of precise detection.   

Contact an engineer to disucss your specific applicaiton with an expert. 

Solutions to Common Parking Applications

Direct Retail Customers to Available Parking

Vehicle Detection at a Shopping Center

Application: Reduce vehicle congenstion and encourage customers to stay by making it easy to find available parking spaces. 

Challenges:  Prolonged searches and long waits for parking spaces has a negative correlation with time and money spent at the center, as well as on overall customer experience and the frequency or likelihood of return visits.

Solution: Working with a local integrator, a dynamic parking guidance system was implemented at the center to clearly show where parking is available.  The system uses a variety of Banner vehicle detection sensors deployed in a SureCross® wireless network. 

Benefits: Implementing a parking guidance system made it easier for motorists to access the shopping center and improved their overall experience. Less time spent looking for available parking translates into visitors spending more time and money at the center. 

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Verify Permitted Vehicles at a Charging Station

Vehicle Detection for Street Parking

Application: Detecting the presence of shared electric cars at a charging station is necessary to prevent non-permitted vehicles from parking at these stations.

Challenges: The outdoor environment can be challenging for many vehicle sensing technologies.  Vandalism is also a risk due to the public location. 

Solution: A high sensitivity radar sensor detects the presence of vehicles at a charging station.  If the car is not plugged into the charging station, a signal is sent to a central location, alerting authorities to remove the vehicle if necessary. 

Benefits: Radar sensors are not affected by weather conditions, ensuring reliable performance in all seasons.  The sensor can be installed inside the charging station to reduce the risk of vandalism. 

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Identify Available Spaces in a Parking Ramp

Vehicle Detection for Indoor Parking

Application: Helping motorists to quickly find available parking can minimize traffic congestion and vehicle emissions in confined and enclosed underground parking garages. 

Challenges: The diverse configurations of underground facilities can challenge the effectiveness of many parking guidance systems.  Wired systems are costly and require significant work under the concrete. 

Solution: A wireless system of sensors and indicators a simple, cost-effective solution that enables motorists to quickly find available parking in underground parking facilities.  Wireless ultrasonic sensors detect whether a vehicle is present in a parking spot, and wireless indicator lights visually direct drivers to available stalls.  

Benefits: Ultrasonic sneosrs can be mounted directly on the ceiling of a parking garage to identify the presence of a car in the parking space below.  Furthermore, a wireless solution enables rapid deployment in any parking facility with minimal downtime and no costly cable runs. 

Featured Products


Wireless Magnetometer

The M-GAGE sensor uses passive sensing technology to detect large ferrous objects, such as motor vehicles.  The M-GAGE provides an alternative replacement for inductive loop systems and needs no external control box. 

  • Projetado para minimizar os efeitos das alterações de temperatura e campos magnéticos flutuantes
  • O sensor aprende sobre o ambiente de fundo e armazena as configurações em uma memória não volátil
  • A tecnologia FlexPower é impulsionada por uma bateria principal de lítio integrada ao corpo
  • Os transceptores fornecem comunicação bidirecional entre o Gateway e o Node, incluindo transmissão de dados totalmente reconhecida
  • Corpo totalmente encapsulado e vedado com fonte de energia, sensor e antena para solução totalmente sem fio.
DX80 Series

Wireless Ultrasonic Node

The wireless ultrasonic sensor node is ideal for indoor parking applications. 

  • Can be mounted directly on the ceiling of a parking garage to identify the presence of a car in the parking space below. 
  • O sensor ultrassônico detecta objetos até quatro metros de distância
  • Integrated D-cell battery reduces the cost of installation by eliminating the need to run wires and conduit. 
  • Projetado com compensação de temperatura por meio de medição integrada
  • Os transceptores fornecem comunicação bidirecional entre o Gateway e o Node, incluindo transmissão de dados totalmente reconhecida
  • O dispositivo contém bateria, sensor e antena para oferecer uma solução sem fio robusta – IP67, NEMA 6
QT50R Series

Radar Sensor for Vehicle Detection

Sensores de radar de alta sensibilidade ideais para evitar colisões de equipamentos móveis, como empilhadeiras e veículos de mina.

  • O radar FMCW (presença verdadeira) de quarta geração detecta objetos móveis e fixos
  • Maior sensibilidade e alcance
  • Campo de detecção ajustável — ignora objetos além do ponto de ajuste
  • Fácil setup e configuração de alcance, sensibilidade e saída com chaves DIP
  • As funções de detecção não são afetadas por vento, chuva, neve, neblina, umidade, temperatura do ar ou luz
  • O sensor opera em banda de telecomunicação Industrial, Científica e Médica sem necessidade de licença especial
  • O corpo reforçado IP67 suporta ambientes severos

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