Drive Thru Vehicle Detection and Monitoring

Drive Thru Vehicle Detection

Learn how a wireless vehicle detection solution improves drive thru wait times and increases profits.

Improve Customer Experience and Maximize Profits

Drive thru applications require reliable vehicle detection to alert employees to a customer’s presence at a window, count the number of cars passing through, monitor time spent in the drive thru, and more. 

By increasing efficiency and facilitating a better customer experiece, vehicle detection solutions not only save costs but also maximize revenue. 

Technologies for Drive Thru Vehicle Detection

3 Common Technologies

Inductive loops have traditionally been a common vehicle detection technology for drive thru applications.  However, inductive loop systems require large sections of pavement or brickwork to be damaged and removed for installation and repairs, which can lead to lengthy downtime. 

Radar is another technology that can be used for drive thru vehicle detection.  Radar sensors are immune to weather conditions, making it an excellent option for outdoor deployments at drive thru businesses.  

Wireless magnetometers are an excellent choice when wired technology is impractical.  Wireless magnetometers can be installed above or below grade, and even below grade installations are minimally invasive, requiring only a small 3-inch diameter hole in the concrete for each sensor location. 

Keep reading to learn how these technologies solve common drive thru vehicle detection challenges; or contact an engineer to discuss your specific application. 

Solutions to Common Drive Thru Applications

fast food drive thru window
fast food drive thru window
Drive Thru Success - Overhead Map
Drive Thru Success - Leaderboard
Identify Causes of Slow Lines to Increase Business

Vehicle Detection at a Quick Serve Restaurant

Fast food restaurants rely heavily on their drive-thru service, and they earn much of their revenue from drive-thru sales. Streamlining the drive-thru process in quick serve restaurants (QSR) can increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction. 

By combining wireless vehicle detection sensors with an analytical software platform, restaurants can track the speed of service and compare drive-thru times at multiple locations. This visibility enables managers to identify where bottlenecks occur, and it allows stores to compete to improve their drive-thru service. 

Alert Staff that a Customer is Present

Vehicle Detection at a Bank Drive Thru

In applications where staff may be away from the drive thru window for periods of time, a vehicle detection solution can be used to alert staff when a customer is present. For example, bank tellers working the drive-up windows must be aware when a vehicle is present in order to optimize customer service. 

Radar sensors use Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar (FMCW) to detect both stationary and moving vehicles.  In the application pictured to the right, a radar sensor is mounted to the drive-through overhang and is configured to detect the pavement. 

When a vehicle blocks the beam, the sensor’s output switches and a signal is sent to the bank workers, alerting them of the presence of the vehicle to ensure timely service and minimal wait times for customers. 

Count Cars and Monitor Business Patterns

Vehicle Detection and Counting at a Drive Thru

In addition to triggering a signal that a customer is present, radar sensors can also be used to count the number of vehicles that pass through the drive thru each day. This provides valuable information on peak drive thru days and times to facilitate data-driven staffing decisions.  

The radar sensor's vehicle detection, business indication, and count functions help restaurants efficiently respond to drive-thru customers, measure drive-thru demand, and manage drive-thru operations.

Featured Products


Wireless Magnetometers for Vehicle Detection

The M-GAGE sensor uses passive sensing technology to detect large ferrous objects, such as motor vehicles.  The M-GAGE provides an alternative replacement for inductive loop systems and needs no external control box. 

  • Projetado para minimizar os efeitos das alterações de temperatura e campos magnéticos flutuantes
  • O sensor aprende sobre o ambiente de fundo e armazena as configurações em uma memória não volátil
  • A tecnologia FlexPower é impulsionada por uma bateria principal de lítio integrada ao corpo
  • Os transceptores fornecem comunicação bidirecional entre o Gateway e o Node, incluindo transmissão de dados totalmente reconhecida
  • Corpo totalmente encapsulado e vedado com fonte de energia, sensor e antena para solução totalmente sem fio.
DXM Series

Wireless Controller

Os controladores sem fio industriais da Série DXM são projetados para facilitar a conectividade Ethernet e as aplicações da Internet Industrial das Coisas (IIoT). 

  • Rádios ISM disponível em 2,4 GHz para rede sem fio local
  • Converte Modbus RTU em Modbus TCP/IP ou Ethernet I/P
  • O controlador lógico pode ser programado usando regras de ação e métodos de linguagem de texto
  • Cartão Micro SD para registro de dados
  • Alertas por e-mail e texto
  • Modem de celular para conectividade por celular 

Radar Sensor

Sensores de radar de alta sensibilidade ideais para evitar colisões de equipamentos móveis, como empilhadeiras e veículos de mina.

  • O radar FMCW (presença verdadeira) de quarta geração detecta objetos móveis e fixos
  • Maior sensibilidade e alcance
  • Campo de detecção ajustável — ignora objetos além do ponto de ajuste
  • Fácil setup e configuração de alcance, sensibilidade e saída com chaves DIP
  • As funções de detecção não são afetadas por vento, chuva, neve, neblina, umidade, temperatura do ar ou luz
  • O sensor opera em banda de telecomunicação Industrial, Científica e Médica sem necessidade de licença especial
  • O corpo reforçado IP67 suporta ambientes severos
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