Rubber Washer Detection on Engine Block

Rubber Washer Detection on Engine Block Image

Application: Verifying rubber washers are in place

Challenges: Dark material and risk of impact

Solution: The Q4X laser distance sensor

Benefits: Detects dark material, small height changes, and is made with rugged housing

With complex assemblies, it is important to verify all parts are present to avoid defective products being shipped to the end customer. To prevent defective product from being shipped, it is vital to error proof parts by ensuring all rubber washers are present before the next step in the assembly operation.


Banner’s Q4X versatile laser sensor is ideal for presence/absence detection even in challenging applications with small height changes such as confirming a small black target is present on a shiny metal part.

The washers should be present in the cast aluminum engine block, and if the Q4X detects a slight height difference, even as small as 1 mm, it will send a signal to alert operators a rubber washer is missing or there are multiple washers present. The Q4X can detect duplicate rubber washers with its unique windowing capability while in foreground suppression mode.

With a stainless steel housing, the Q4X is extremely durable and resists mechanical impact, vibrations and over tightening. The sensor setup is simple with clear user feedback on the four-digit angled display. The Q4X solves many challenging part-detection applications by sensing even the slightest distances changes.

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